# Branches

The main branch of the project is main. Branches or created from the main branch with this naming pattern : <type>/<issue-id>-<name>

type branch from example
new feature main feat/1234-coolstuff
bugfix main fix/1234-fixme
hotfix release/vX.X.X hotfix/1234-burning

Push to git and create a PR (draft if not ready yet)

git push -u origin <branch-name>

Working on an old branch (couple of days) ? Please rebase origin/main to make sure your code is up to date.

git fetch
git rebase origin/main
git push -f # you've been rewriting the history on your branch

# Issues

# Pull-requests

Please write a comprehensive description of the content. Use checkboxes when several tickets or steps are included in the same PR. Be nice to the testers and guide them with the steps needed to reproduce/test the features. This can be a simple bullet-point list.

Keep PR small and simple to understand for the reviewers to avoid having them pending for a long time and getting stale.

When a couple of tickets are needed to complete a PR, create it as Draft and take some time explain what it is going to do. Write down the steps and check them when done. When you're ready, click the "Ready for review" and share the PR link in Mattermost with the reviewers to make sure they don't miss the notification.

Once merged, move the tickets to the "to test" column of the Kanban and ping the PO for tests and feedback.

# Release pull-requests

Please use the template for release pull requests and make sure all checkboxes are checked.

# Deployments

# Environments

demo and production environment runs on Kubernetes too. Deployments use the same process as main but they are triggered when a tag with the pattern vX.X.X is created.