# Repository

# Install


# Lint

# Build and install dependencies

docker-compose build lint

# Use the linter

docker-compose run --rm lint

ℹ️ the code is mounted in read-only mode to keep the linter from making changes. Fix'em yourself!

# Connect with VScode (optional)

  1. Install the node_modules in the docker/lint folder, otherwise VScode cannot access them (they are built inside the Docker container).
cd docker/lint && npm install 

2. Install [Eslint extension](https://open-vsx.org/vscode/item?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint)
3. Il should detect the config from `.vscode/settings.json` and use the configured module from `docker/lint/node_modules`. Check the _Ouput_ panel in VScode (Menu > View > Output)

> :warning: Do not install `eslint` or `prettier` locally or globally

### Use

# lint api and dashboard
docker-compose run --rm lint

# lint api or dashboard only
docker-compose run --rm lint npm run api
docker-compose run --rm lint npm run dashboard

You can Ctrl-click on the file paths for the errors and it should jump to the right position in the file.